1952: Born in Kushiro, Hokkaido into a family running a small general store.
1971年 京都の同志社大学法学部に進学し、サークルの探検部に入部。
1971: Started his freshman year, majoring in Law, at Doshisha University. Joined the Exploration Club (an extracurricular activity).
1972年 ミクロネシア最南端の島カピンガマランギ島で40日を過ごす。
1972: Spent 40 days on the remote Micronesian island of Kapingamarangi.
1975年 大学を休学し、遊牧民との国境超えを目指しアフガニスタンに向かう。
1975: Took a leave of absence from the University and traveled to Afghanistan hoping to join a nomadic tribe as they would go from a country to country.
1980: Left Jiji Press in order to snap that one photo that would dramatically capture the history. Spent a year traveling to conflict zones all over the world as a freelance photographer.
1982: Covered the civil war in El Salvador. Took shots of the ordinary people living through the ravages of war. Recorded the massacre of the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon.
1983: Received the Rookie of the Year Award by the Photographic Society of Japan. Spent 100 days with Massoud, the leader of the Islamic resistance against the invading Soviet forces.
1985年 1986年にかけてフィリピン民衆革命を取材。
1985-1986: Covered the People Power Revolution in the Philippines.
1992年 南アフリカのアパルトヘイト終焉を目撃。金鉱労働者の一家を取材。
1992: Witnessed the end of apartheid in South Africa. Interviewed a family of gold miners.
2001: Massoud, a leader of the resistance movement with whom he spent 500 days over a period of 17 years, was assassinated. In hopes of realizing Massoud’s desire to rebuild his homeland, began the work of supporting a school in his hometown.
2002年 日本写真協会年度賞を受賞。
2002: Received the Annual Award from the Photographic Society of Japan.
2003年 「へスースとフランシスコーエルサルバドル内戦を生き抜いて」でさがみはら写真賞を受賞。
2003: Received the Sagamihara Photography Award for “Jesus and Francisco, survivors of the civil war in El Salvador.”
2004年 2009年まで中国とヨーロッパをつないだ「シルクロード」を撮影。
2004: Photographed “the Silk Road” which linked China and Europe.
2005年 「ザビット一家、家を建てる」で講談社出版文化写真賞を受賞。
2005: Received Kodansha Publishing Culture Award for “The Xhavit Family, Building a House” .
2015: Started “Nagakura Shoten-jyuku” (classes he offered) in his hometown, Kushiro, which were attended by many from all over the country. Since then, they have been held annually.
2016: Invited to exhibit “Children of the Earth” at the Biennial of Contemporary Art Museum in Sakha Republic, Russian Federation. Conducted a workshop.
2018年 シベリアのトナカイ遊牧民ネネツ取材を始める。
2018: Began interviewing the Nenets, Siberia’s reindeer nomads.
2020年 マスード財団より写真集「MASSOUD」の製作依頼を受ける。
2020: Commissioned by the Massed Foundation to produce a photo book “MASSOUD”.
2021年 写真集「MASSOUD」(日本語版)を部数限定製作。
2021: Produced photo book “MASSOUD”(Japanese Limited Edition).
2022年 マレーシアの漂海民バジャウと山岳民族クラビットを取材。
2022: Reported on the Sea Nomads Bajau and the Hill Tribe Kilobit of Malaysia.
2023年8月〜11月 ブラジル・サンパウロ市で写真展”Hiromi Nagakura até a Amazônia com Ailton Krenak”(邦題:アマゾンへ アユトン・クレナックとともに)をTOMIE OHTAKE INSTITUTOで開催予定。
2023:August-November: Photo exhibit “Hiromi Nagakura até a Amazônia com Ailton Krenak”(at TOMIE OHTAKE INSTITUTO)scheduled to be held in São Paulo.
9月 フォト・ドキュメンタリー映画「鉛筆と銃 長倉洋海の眸」を公開(予定)。
September: A photography documentary”A Pencil and a Gun Hiromi Nagakura’s Eye”scheduled to be released in September.